DigiAI – Digital technologies are enablers of a step change in learning and teaching practices; however‚ they do not guarantee good results and successful learning or career orientation.
Students and teachers are encouraged to use new technologies and Internet‚ but only small percentage of them has the necessary skills to exploit the new technologies’ full capacity. In attempt to satisfy the user needs‚ social networks and search engines incorporate Artificial Intelligence (AI) to provide tailored information to the user and sometimes this leads to misinformation. In this way the user is guided in the direction desired by the AI which limits the information for the user. In situations such as this‚ users should have critical thinking abilities as well as digital media literacy skills to avoid being misled.
Another negative aspect is the potential threat of the automation and AI for the job market and the career development. Experts estimate up to 800 million workers could be displaced by robotic automation by 2030. Some jobs will change dramatically‚ while others will disappear altogether. Low-skilled jobs will be most vulnerable‚ but it is suggested that many white-collar jobs‚ like accounting‚ will be also at risk from future automation. Educators‚ trainers‚ counselors and career consultants should respond adequately to this tendency.
The main aim of the DigiAI project is to provide resources for specific training in the field of digital competences for pedagogical consultants in VET schools and career consultants in different youth information and career centres as well as for VET teachers in general. The project provides online VET resources and framework to increase the target groups capacity to exploit the full potential of the new technologies and to provide quality and adequate training and advises for the students about their career development.
Project duration:
2019’– 2021’(18 months)
Project is supported by the ERASMUS+ Programme of the European Union
Project partnership:
- Student Computer Art Society‚ Bulgaria – project coordinator
- Jaunimo karjeros centras‚ Lithuania
- University of Life Sciences Prague‚ Czech republic
- Secondary Vocational School of Tourism ‘Aleksandar Paskalev”‚ Bulgaria
- Foundation for the Promotion of Vocational Training and Small Industry/MEKSA‚ Turkey
- National Student Information and Career Center‚ Bulgaria
Project aims and objectives:
- To improve the digital media literacy of VET teachers‚ pedagogical consultants in VET schools and career consultants and increase their capacity to exploit the full potential of the new technologies;
- To provide online VET resources including a Learning management system (LMS) with Training Modules‚ dedicated to the important topics‚ digital educational videos and other tools that could be used in formal/informal education;
- To provide a Framework that could be used by organizations willing to adapt the proposed training materials according to their specific needs.
Project target groups:
- Pedagogical consultants who provide career orientation services to learners in VET schools;
- Career consultants working in different career centers;
- Pedagogical assistants in VET schools and career counselors;
- VET teachers‚ trainers and mentors in both school and work-based settings;
- VET teachers/trainers engaged in the corresponding field;
Project main products and results:
– Training Modules on six topics:
- New tendencies in digital media literacy;
- Artificial intelligence and structure of the provided information;
- The influence of Artificial Intelligence on the labor market;
- Fake news‚ critical thinking and rating the information for career development;
- Ability to order goods or services over the Internet;
- The violence of information and digital wellbeing;
– Competence Framework in knowledge-skills-competences (autonomy and responsibility) grid. The six Training Modules are based directly on the developed Framework whose structure could easily be used for assessing the achievements of learning using ECVET;
– Six short digital training videos that illustrate each Training Module;
– Learning Management System (LMS) consisting of the six Training Modules‚ the six videos and many other related resources including self-assessment tests. The LMS could be used primarily for self-study‚ but it can be used for guided training too.
Project website: https://digiai.eu/